Honorable mention - Independent and student film

A Wes Anderson-ish Singapore

Kevin SiyuanSingapore - 29.39 min
Watch Film
In streaming from March 14th at 8 a.m. until March 20th at midnight UAE time

This documentary short film takes viewers on a photographic adventure across the island of Singapore, as it documents the changes in the built environment against the backdrop of the pandemic situation and helps viewers rediscover everything accidentally or intentionally “Wes Anderson” about Singapore.

Kevin Siyun is an architectural photographer and short filmmaker from Singapore. Formerly trained and worked as an urban planner, Kevin’s works revolve around the built environment.

Notable Awards:
Nominee (Documentary), National Youth Film Awards Singapore, 2019
Shortlist, The Architectural Photography Awards, 2021, 2017
Finalist, Art Olympia Japan, 2017